Friday, May 8, 2009

My Facebook on 7 May 2009: Anger with Perak crisis

My Facebook on 7 May 2009: Anger with Perak crisis

Perak State Assembly Meeting was held on 7 May 2009.
Before the meeting starts, many Pakatan Rakyat representatives were arrested nearby SUK Perak.
Inside State Assembly hall was disgraceful.
Non-State Assembly Representative Ganesan was appointed illegally by Zambry.
The most ridiculous was Sivakumar carried out the hall by uniformed police personnel forcibly together with speaker's chair.

My Facebook was hot and full with "live-politic comments" together with my comrades.

The following are the live comments from my comrades about 9.00am to 11.59pm on 7 May 2009.

Gary Wong: On behalf of DAP Kuala Repas, Bentong, Pahang...thanks for adding me to your list of friends...keep up the good work.

Lim Jen Yow 在今天穿起黑衣吧~让我们用黑潮淹没烂权腐败的国阵!!!

Lim Jen Yow 在今天穿起黑衣吧~让我们用黑潮淹没烂权腐败的国

Lee Fu Haw 今天全身都是黑的,上衣長褲.雖然全身都是黑,不過我的內在還是紅的!民主不死!

Lim Swee Kuan DAP ADUN Khoo Poay Teong, DAPSY Taiping Chief Teh Kok Lim and 2 local councilors got arrested in front of Perak State Assembly. This is obviously abuse of power by Police!

Lee Fu Haw 今天是黑色大馬日,所以我幫大家用黑色的垃圾袋給裝起來了!1 Black Malaysia, wear Black For all..

Lim Swee Kuan DAP ADUNs Jenice Lee, Teo Kok Seong and a few ADUNs and reps got arrested!

Teresa Kok says it's Black to the Future!

Lim Swee Kuan All the detainees are being brought to Sungai Senam police station now. DAP lawyers are rushing to to bail them out now

Lim Swee Kuan LKS, Kula & Manogaran 3 Perak MPs with official invitation from Speaker but police blocked them from entry & forced them to leave.

Lim Swee Kuan 警方可以用暴力逮捕所有人,打压人民的权力,但是你绝对阻止不了人民强烈要求改革的心!

Lim Jen Yow 国阵您就在今天抓多点人吧~~~为下一届大选吃蕉做准备吧!

Tony Pua don't know whether to laugh or cry - Jenice Lee, ADUN Teratai was arrested for wearing black, having breakfast at a mamak stall

Simon Wong 令人气愤!

Tey Khang Fai Jenice Lee arrested!!!!!

Tey Khang Fai Najib and Hishamuddin couldn't avoid Polis Diraja Malaysia in misusing power. They must resign immediately.

Lim Swee Kuan MP for Kubang Kerian Saluhuddin Ayub got arrested now!

Lim Swee Kuan MP for Sungai Siput, Dr. Jeyakumar got arrested under the Pokok Demokrasi now!

Tey Khang Fai PKR's Zuraida Kamaruddin , DAP's Khoo Poay Tiong, DAP's Jenice Lee, DAP's Tey Kok Seong, PAS's Salahuddin Ayub and people who have breakfast nearby SUK Perak was arrested by Polis Diraja Malaysia up to 10.15am.

Simon Wong 穿着黑衣喝茶也犯法吗?

Simon Wong 穿着黑衣看球也犯法吗?

Aaron Nair is disgusted with the trigger-happy stance of the police in Ipoh. Arresting people for having breakfast in a nearby restaurant? Come on lah, PDRM.

Tey Khang Fai Hei, YAB Zambri, Sila keluar, keluar...Speaker sudah buat keputusan, keluar sila.

Aaron Nair LIVE from Ipoh @ 10.19 am: Two more politicians have been arrested by the police for breaching the injunction against gathering at the state secretariat - Sungai Siput MP Dr D. Jeyakumar (PSM) and PAS' MP for Parit Buntar Mujahid Yusof Rawa. Also arrested was Malaysiakini columnist and activist Helen Ang.

Tey Khang Fai 一个善意的劝告:如果您想约朋友出来联络感情,请不要到Mamak档。因为您可能被捕。如果您对黑衣情有独钟,请放弃了它。因为您会被视为危害国家安全。请记住!

Simon Wong BN怕黑~whoooo

Tey Khang Fai BLACK together team!!!

Andrew Pui Kick them out in the next GE13!

Aaron Nair is amused that Zambry Kadir is behaving like a pampered brat. One would forgive him for thinking that his grandmother owns the state assembly.

Lim Jen Yow 赞比里尝试宣布,已经成功撤换议长,他几时做了议长 ?

Lee Fu Haw 警方冲入民主行动党霹雳州总部楼下的餐厅内展开大逮捕,包括那些正在享用早餐的人士。许多人被捕,暂无法确定人数。 警方开始时允许人们继续用餐,但是较后却改变主意,连用餐的人士都一起抓起来。一名正在喝茶的男子表示不满警方的行动,虽然警方开始时允许他继续喝茶,但是稍后却不客气将他逮捕)。警方的逮捕行动更导致该间餐厅被迫关门停止营业。

Lim Jen Yow 国阵议员尝试要副议长许月凤念读撤销议长的动议。议长的麦克风遭关闭,许月凤念出撤销议长动议,全体国阵议员举手赞成。 妈的,副议长当议长透明,凌驾议长的权利,这就是国阵政府!

Aaron Nair There's pandemonium in the House. The usurpers from BN have hijacked the sitting. A sad, sad day for Malaysian democracy, indeed. And for this to occur in my homestate makes it worse.

Sin Hui 原来马来西亚的宪法是摆在墙上的!

Tey Khang Fai How can Deputy Speaker Hee Yit Foong stand on the stage while Speaker Sivakumar chairing State Assembly Meeting? How can Zambri announces R Ganesan to be new speaker himself?

Aaron Nair See that door there? Now, maybe it's abit hard for your dumbed-down brain to comprehend, but you were ORDERED to leave through that door. Now. Faham tak, Zambry?

Tey Khang Fai Constitution crisis in Malaysia.

Lee Fu Haw 11.37am: A ceasefire seems to be in place. Pakatan reps are still in discussion with Mohammad Nizar while the BN reps are glued to their seats worried that Sivakumar would start the sitting if they leave the House.=====Fuhaw: So , just now BN change Speaker only a rehearsing show?

Lee Fu Haw 11点36分 双方暂停炮火,民联州议员围绕着尼查商谈,国阵州议员则各自坐在位子上,似乎担心一旦他们离席,西华古玛将伺机开始州议会。===富豪按: 那剛剛國陣議員們是不是在排練著怎樣換議長?還要先排戲!

Faisal Mustaffa is wearing all black today

Hew Li Huang Black colour makes me think of the song: "Baa Baa Black Sheep". In 2006, someone in US has altered it become "Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep"... When can we have rainbow?

Lee Fu Haw All Perak Adun from PR, just cool down, dun drop into BN Plan, They want our lost control first! All the BN do, just a rehearsing show without any legal law support.

Aaron Nair Ganesan's one bloody clown. He had to adjourn proceedings yet again. Why? Cos he isn't familiar with the Standing Orders of the House. Zhaa douu.

Lim Jen Yow 国阵动议通过宣布大树下州议会是非法的!那是否说国阵在这之前是承认当天树下议会是合法的?国阵好大的矛和盾啊~~~可怜的纳吉又被自己人掴了一掌!

Lee Fu Haw 数十名胸前挂着官员牌子的人士突然冲入议会厅,突破民联州议员的人墙,并强硬手段将不停挣扎的西华古玛拖出议会厅外。

Lee Fu Haw 之前我還要大家不要一味的打許月鳯這走狗,因為這是巫統及國陣的錯,不過今天看來,這許狗的內心是連一點點的情,一點點的民主,一點點的羞恥都沒有! 九洞的選民啊!請看清妳們的代議仕!

Charles Santiago " - Some 20 to 30 former students of Wong Chin Huat held a short, peaceful gathering in front of Monash University Sunway Campus main gate this afternoon to show support for arrested academician.There was heavy police presence at the 12.30pm gathering" Bravo Monash students!

Charles Santiago We'll never forget this moment.

Teresa Kok DAPSY condemns police crackdown

Simon Wong 民主死亡安息吧。

Sin Hui 没有了民主,下一届也不会再有秤了!

Gwo-Burne Loh Perak... where treason by certain quaters is regarded as a "right". A dark day indeed this is...

Teresa Kok Selangor Speaker gives his opinion: Straightforward: Chaotic Perak Legislative Assembly: Was removal of Speaker lawful?

Gwo-Burne Loh Dark Day in Perak... Where "Treason is Reason"

Gwo-Burne Loh Perak... Where "Reason is Treason" and "Treason is Reason"

Ng Kok Kiong 霹雳朝野争夺议长宝座爆发武斗 西华古玛遭警员强行拖离议会厅

Ng Kok Kiong 霹雳第二季州议会在经历逾6小时的混乱之后终于在下午3点20分恢复平静。 在霹雳州皇储发表御词演讲后,国阵委任的新任霹雳州议长甘尼申也顺势在下午4点06分宣布休会至一个有待定夺的日期。

Aaron Nair What transpired in today's sitting is nothing short of a mockery. I'm mourning for the death of democracy in my home state, democracy that's ravished by the thuggery of BN.

Susann Chan The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations. - David Friedman Condemn BN, Najib and Police State... Mourning 507... Democracy is RAPE! ='(

Teresa Kok says "Haiya, sai hey la, BN moe tek kau la" (BN beyond redemption)


Nga Kor Ming 7th May, 2009. Darkest day in Perak… | 《领航新格局、创造新希望》

Nga Kor Ming Perak Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar is seen being forcibly removed from the Assembly hall!

Khalid Ibrahim Menteri Besar Selangor menentang kekerasan di Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak

Foo Yu Keong Satu "syok sendiri barisan nasional" Malaysia

Chua YC damn BN government...

By the way, there are many comrades changed their display photo on Facebook to "1Black Malaysia". Hence our Facebook must be in black today.

We won't forget 7th May 2009, and we won't forget.

I'm sure you are angry today.

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