Friday, May 29, 2009

文告:行动党华联支部与郊外岭支部改选 / Press Statement: The Annual General Meeting of Democratic Action Party OUG Branch and Taman Desa Branch

Press Statement: The Annual General Meeting of Democratic Action Party OUG Branch and Taman Desa Branch










委员:Jeyaseelem Anthony 刘木城









副主席:Edmund Teoh






委员:黄国富、 How Wing Kow

出席行动党中央代表大会者:孔繁贤Edmund Teoh吴庆忠


1.严厉谴责纳吉的新政府,尤其是内政部以及大马皇家警察部队在没有搜查令下于2009523日,星期六晚上6.25pm7.30pm间夜闯民主行动党总部。当时警方是由ASP Kamal Khan b. Mohd. Shariff以及其他11名便衣警员进入行动党总部进行搜查工作。警方人员的举止有如小偷般行为,他们避开工作时间没收行动党文物以展示他们的威逼行动。


3.支持SelCAT的建议,将雪州州议会反对党领袖YB Khir Toyo禁足一年。但是反对Khir Toyo在议会禁足期间被剥削享有州议员的津贴权利。





DAP OUG Branch and Taman Desa Branch which under Seputeh Parliament District were held an AGM at 27 May 2009 (Wednesday), 8pm at Taman Desa new DAP Service Center. The new branches committees 2008/09 were elected and resolutions for both branches have been submitted.

Branch Committee for DAP OUG Branch 2009/10

Chairperson: Thomas Chin Choong Chong

Vice Chairperson: Rickie Low Ah Kuan

Secretary: Tey Khang Fai

Vice Secretary: Robert Lim Song Chuan

Treasurer: Dennis Lau Kin Wai

Publicity Secretary: Robert Cham Kam Hoong

Women Affairs Secretary: Fong Choy Wan

Committee Memebers: Lau Bak Kia, Jeyaseelem Anthony

Auditor: Chan Chee Wah, Tee Seong Min

Election of Congress Attendees:

Thomas Chin, Tey Khang Fai, Robert Lim

2009 AGM Resolutions for DAP OUG Branch.

1. To strongly condemn Najib’s administration and the PDRM the high-handed and indiscriminate politically motivated arrests breaching 170 since May 5, 2009. To strongly condemn the PDRM for not respecting human rights and fundamental liberties of all Malaysians shown through its high-handedness in quelling descanting public opinion. And to strongly urge the PDRM to stop further punitive action against those arrested.

2. To strongly urge the PDRM to return to its true and core duty which is to fight crime and protect the people of Malaysia against crime and fear of crime. And to urge the PDRM not allowed herself to be use as a tool by Umno.

3. To urge the Pakatan Rakyat state governments to fulfil its election promise by actively promoting the restoration of the Third Vote, i.e. to revive local government election, as well as to formulate a concrete action plan and progress chart in order to democratise the process of selection of all district and municipal councillors. This is to improve the interaction between councils and the people and to strengthen efficiency, integrity and transparency in all areas in order to promote good governance and a healthy democratic system.

Branch Committee for Taman Desa Branch 2009/2010

Chairperson: Khong Kam Yin

Vice Chairperson: Edmund Teoh Kheng Yaik

Secretary: Goh Kheng Teong

Vice Secretary: Loh Yuen Foong

Treasurer: Saw Kay Hong

Publicity Secretary: Leong Ying Leng

Women Affairs Secretary: Yong See Nee

Committee Memebers: Wong Kok Foo, Hoh Wing Kow

Election of Congress Attendees:

Khong Kam Yin, Edmund Teoh, Goh Kheng Teong

2009 AGM Resolutions for DAP Taman Desa Branch.

1. To condemn in the strongest term Najib’s administration especially the Home Minister and the PDRM for the police raid without search warrant on DAP National Headquarters on May 23, 2009, Saturday between 6.25pm and 7.30pm who was lead by ASP Kamal Khan b. Mohd. Shariff together with 11 other officers all in plan-clothes. To condemn in the strongest term the PDRM who came like the thief in the night avoiding office hours and confiscating DAP property as an act of intimidation.

2. To strongly condemn YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for orchestrating and engineering the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak which resulted in constitutional crisis without parallel that have undermined every pillar of parliamentary democracy in Malaysia. And to call upon Datuk Seri Najib to face state election in Perak so that the people of Perak can give the mandate to the government of the people’s choice.

3. To support SelCAT recommendation to suspend Selangor State Assembly Opposition Leader YB Dr Khir Toyo for 12 months for the offence of contempt of the legislative assembly. And to urge the Selangor State Assembly to drop the recommendation to suspend salary of the Selangor State Assembly Opposition leader YB Dr. Khir Toyo.

4. To strongly condemn TM for its appaling International Internet reliability and bandwidth. To urge Prime Minister of Malaysia to completely liberalise the Internal market using Singapore’s Telecommunication Authority model in order for Malaysia to catch up with countries such as Singapore, Korea and Japan in terms of broadband penetration, International Internet Bandwidth per subscriber and low rate of data packet loss.

Prepared by:
Tey Khang Fai

DAP OUG Branch Secretary.

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